Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Twit Happens

One thing that is nice about the "new media" is the ability to get together with people from all over the world that you have no idea who they are.  However, as a cancer patient (trying to make the transition to calling myself a cancer survivor), there has been one surprising fact about this new media.  Cancer patients seem to be able to find each other on-line, befriend each other, and actually talk to one another and offer support!  That seems to be especially true on Twitter.

As I had mentioned before, very early into my ordeal @noboobsaboutit and I connected and she was a constant source of inspiration, support, and information.  Shortly after that @pharmacistmike offered support with his @TCSociety  Since then, many other people have offered their support on-line.  I may put a little note how I am not having the best day, and inexplicably I will get someone sending me a note to hang in there, or relating how they made it through the same thing.  Granted, Twitter does have it share of celebrities trying to say something outrageous just to get in the public eye for another fifteen minutes, and it is impressive how some can manage to tick off so many people in only 140 characters!  And there are the comedians that try to say something ridiculous in their bio to show you what you can expect on an hourly basis.  And there is the obsessive tweeters who let you know what size coffee they bought that morning.  But I would rather hear from my fellow cancer warriors any day.  It is surprising the number of very busy people that take the time to send a private message or tweet back.  I have even seen Lance Armstrong send several notes of support (but never to me, c'mon Lance, send some love, my doc knows your doc...)  Even if it is a day where you don't need the encouragement, seeing that someone else that has gone through it is thinking about you, puts a smile on your face.

So, I offer this friendly advice to anyone that is going through their own cancer battle.  Create a Twitter account.  Follow the American Cancer Society, Livestrong, or in my case the Testicular Cancer Society or any of the others, and you will be surprised how much support finds you!  That is just some friendly advice from @the1nutwonder  I would write more, but I am probably coming close to my 140 characters.

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