Monday, May 16, 2011

Cancer Made Me Fat And Apparently Fat People Sweat A Lot

OK, so I guess cancer didn't directly make me fat, but it certainly helped me pack on some pounds.  Between the inactivity following my surgery, the inactivity following chemotherapy, and the fact that my chemo taste change didn't effect my love for all stuff fattening, I have gained weight.

I realized this has become a problem when my wife punched me in the middle of the night, ripped the blankets off my previously slumbering body and said, "You're sweating on the clean sheets."  We do have other sheets, and I could even wash them every single day, but she thought all of these things through and decided assaulting a sleeping cancer patient was the best course of action.

While hurting myself mowing the lawn the other day, I noticed I seemed to be sweating more than I had in the past.  I first attributed that to my high metabolism and my well toned body, then I realized I didn't have either one.  And it seems just about anything can cause me to break a sweat anymore, cleaning around the house, working around outside, walking the dogs on a hot sunny day, walking the dogs on a cold rainy day, walking up the stairs to get a Little Debbie, eating a Little Debbie, thinking about eating Little Debbies, typing "Little Debbie", and apparently sleeping.

There seem to be another side effect to my recent weight gain as well, my hypoglycemia seems to be getting worse.  This is a condition where my sugar will drop and I have to...well find something with sugar.  They make glucose tablets designed to get the sugar back into your system quickly, and you would think something made to shoot up your sugar would be made at least remotely sweet tasting, but it really taste like compressed baby powder, except drier.  This hasn't been a problem until I started getting more and more active lately.  Apparently your sugar doesn't drop when you sit around all day ingesting sugar.  Seeing some of the weird things people get disability payments for these days, I wonder if I can get the government to pay me to sit around all day ingesting sugary goodness...and maybe even pay for my sugary goodness as well.

But therein lies the irony in my whole situation.  I want to get more fit and be more active, which causes me to hurt myself, which causes me to be less active.  So, to make up for that, I try to eat healthier and avoid sugary stuff, which causes my sugar to nosedive, which forces me to eat more sugary stuff.  You see my dilemma.  I can't complain too much though, if the worst lingering effect of beating cancer is having to sit around on my rump eating Little Debbies and sweating.  But if I didn't complain about something, I wouldn't have anything to write about today.  So, here I am feeling a little better, but recovering a little slower.  Luckily I don't have any pressing projects anytime soon that will require me to exert myself too much and we have a large stash of crappy food to keep my sugar levels up.  I guess life ain't too bad after all.

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